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Behind the Artist — Sandra Staub

Behind the Artist — Sandra Staub

Sandra Staub


We all know how powerful our phones are, but here at Pela, we believe that the thing which encases it can be just as powerful, if not more. Our compostable cases are a simple step towards eliminating waste and creating a healthier future. The signature look and feel of our Flaxstic has been starting discussions around sustainability for years, but we want to give you another story to tell— it’s time we start talking about the people behind our cases. So allow me to introduce you to the first designer of our Artist Series— Sandra Staub.


“There is almost no better object to be carrying a message of self-love than the phone case”

Swiss-Colombian in descent, Sandra graces us with her collection of mindful and female-focused designs from her Zürich studio. As a yogi, plant-lover, and minimalist, her work truly embodies who she is and how connected she feels both to our earth and herself. The designs speak for themselves too, with deep rooted meanings of nature and womanhood intersected through every detail from her distinct color palette to the subject representation. “I actually used to be very analog and avoid digital spaces. But now, I create exclusively on my iPad so my style is very much a fusion between my background in graphic design and my passion for hand-drawn work.” And while her work can be found across all mediums, she notes that “there is almost no better object to be carrying a message of self-love than the phone case, as it is probably the most used item in our everyday life… therefore reminds us constantly of what is important to us, who we want to be (or already are), and what our values are.”

“I always felt like the weird kid, like I didn’t fit in. But one day I realized that I wasn’t crazy, I was Colombian. Swiss and Colombian cultures are very different and I am both. When I lived in Colombia, I learned that creativity was a means of survival. Yet in Switzerland, we are so protected from chaos, it allows us to have structure and order. For a while, I feared any further rejection than I had already faced as a designer, that I stopped creating. But it was when I let go and just started doing more of what made me happy, that I realized what I wanted to do. It was a very healing experience and the right people followed.”

Sandra Staub


“Once I stopped looking for love outside of myself and really taught myself how to love me, it was just obvious that everyone and everything around me is also just as beautiful and perfect in their own way. Taking care of the planet right now seems like a big task, but if we start taking care of ourselves and love ourselves the way we want to be loved, it is just a natural consequence to also love what is around you. Because you start to look at the world differently. I truly hope we can learn to appreciate just how much the planet is giving us by giving back to it.”

“I am a minimalist, so I put a lot of thought into whether this really adds value or is this commercialism.”

Having worked as a designer both for companies and independently, Sandra shares that “I realized I am best when I can be free in what I want to create. I am a minimalist, so I put a lot of thought into whether this really adds value or is commercialism.” We were so thrilled to come across her designs which aligned so well with our values and were honored when she wanted to work with us as much as we did with her. “This is what gives me fulfillment beyond the joy of creating. I feel as though I contribute to something bigger, to businesses with a mission.” 

Sandra Staub

We started talking about our values as a brand and found a common thread with Sandra here, too. “Consciousness, for me, means to be self-accountable; you know who you are, you understand that all of your actions have consequences, and you assume the responsibility for it. You understand that you are part of something bigger (the community) and you have a unique role to play in it. I believe we all have unique gifts we can offer to our fellow human beings and the natural world around us. I truly wish everyone would find the courage to explore those and cultivate them.”

Sandra’s Collection for our Artist Series is a body of work that reminds us of the importance in grounding yourself through meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. Follow Sandra Staub on Instagram @sandra.staub and collect more of her work online at

“I always hope that - through my words, actions, artwork, or otherwise - I inspire people to feel brave enough to become who they really are. To find the strength within themselves to show the world who they are.” — Sandra Staub