Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

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iPhone 16 Cases Now Available!

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Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

Remove plastic from your life; it's bad for the planet and even worse for you.

Buy 1, Get 1 FREE!
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iPhone 16 Cases
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iPhone 16 Cases Now Available!

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The New Pela Blog - People, Planet, Products & Progress

The New Pela Blog - People, Planet, Products & Progress


Welcome to the new Pela Blog, we’re so happy you decided to stop by!

When we first set out to bring Pela into the world, we knew what our mission was but growing a business can become a little hectic. There is always something to do and that means things can fall to the wayside (aka our blog!)

We had created an eco-friendly product and wanted to present to the world a plastic alternative that could provide another choice for the eco conscious consumer. But beyond reaching people who were interested in an environmentally friendly iPhone case, we also want to join in and contribute to the amazing conversations that are already happening revolving around making the planet a better and safer place for all the living beings on it.  

Although our Pela Case could be considered another commodity in a world of endless commodities, we are working on creating a business and brand that is not just something you own but rather something you feel connected to.


We hope that from our blog you’ll discover there are real live humans behind the scenes (and screens) who believe that our choices can affect change, even the choices that seem too small to matter. We hope that this is what will connect you to us and by extension you'll connect with the passion that fuels Pela forward.

Pela Case Waterfall

To make sure we stay on top of our blog and continue to share stories with our community, we've decided to create a little order to avoid the chaos that is blogging.

So now on the Pela blog you can expect content revolving around four key categories:

  • People
  • Planet
  • Products
  • Progress

...Because alliteration is awesome! #nerds

People: Here we’d like to speak on behalf of Pela as ourselves, people navigating the world and life just like you. We’re entrepreneurs (some may call us ecopreneurs, who knows) but also we're just parents, siblings, friends and kids ourselves.

This is where we'll share our personal stories but also take the time to shine the light on people we admire who are doing really cool things to help preserve and protect our planet. These people are movers, shakers and game changers and their passion and purpose inspire us to keep fighting the good fight.

Planet: This one was a no-brainer. A spotlight on the planet—places we love to play, enjoy, and fun facts about the earth that never cease to spark our curiosities. Our mission is to protect the places we love and there's no place we love more than this pale blue dot we call home. Expect photos, videos & earth-related news shared here.

Products: Sure, it’s pretty cool that we made an iPhone case made out plant-based plastic ;) —but, seriously, have you seen the amazing innovations popping up everywhere? We are always in awe of this growing community of eco-friendly, socially responsible makers. Here we’d like to show you what cool things they’ve invented and how they’re helping us change our eco footprint and creating businesses with a conscience.

Progress: Sometimes it seems like change is a long and slow process but really change happens with small choices stacking up one after the other. In this category we’d like to share with you environmentally-focused initiatives happening all over the world and their impact.

If our mission is to make sustainable, eco-friendly products the new normal, this is where we’d like to show you how "going green" has or is entering the mainstream and becoming the standard, not the exception. These are things we can celebrate together!

And there you have it, the 4P Pela Blog Plan! This initial blog is really to help hold us accountable to our plan and to have a framework that helps us remember to only share content that adds value for our community and not just noise.

As always, your feedback and input means SO much to us. If there’s anything you’d like to ask us, comment on or anything you’d like to see in this space, please feel free to reach out to us anytime at

Thank you again for stopping by and hope to see you again soon!


The Pela Team